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Case Studies - Lyonara Cold Stores
![]() Lyonara Cold Stores Specifies Euromech Mobile Pallet Racking
Euromech designed, engineered and installed a Mobile Pallet Racking system that has provided Lyonara with a storage capacity of 2,500 pallets in an area of just 815 sq metres. Powered mobile racking maximises space utilisation, enabling up to 80% of the floor area to be occupied for storage, compared with 30% for conventional wide-aisle pallet racking. The versatility and efficiency of this system makes it particularly suitable for use in cold stores, bulky multi-product applications, palletised consumer goods and food products.
The mobile bases installed at Lyonara are controlled individually using push buttons on the ends of the racks or from a central, hand-held console. The movement of a single aisle within a solid block of racking exposes the required rack face, which then provides easy access toindividual Safety was paramount for Lyonara, with the design incorporating fail-safe systems to ensure maximum safety for operatives. Infrared light barriers are located at the end of each aisle, with rack movement stopped as soon as the barrier is broken.
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